Sunday, November 16, 2014

1 year post chemo update

It's been way too long since I posted. I remember I was watching a few blogs of people that had Melanoma and when a long period would go by I always worried about what had happened to them. It would send kind of a sinking feeling through me.

All is well with me physically. I just had my 1 year checkup where they completed CT Scans, an MRI, and they checked out a suspicious bump on my surgery site. All came back great. It feels good to be at a year. On all the statistics and curves that I've looked at, I'm entering a pretty important stage... from about 1 year to 2.5 years post diagnosis seems to be a pretty important time when the mortality rates are pretty high. I don't live in fear or with a great deal of anxiety though. I am where I'm supposed to be and doing what I'm supposed to be doing. Cancer has a way of whipping us into shape and causing us to make sure our affairs are in order. I feel that much more today than I did 1.5 years. I've still got a lot of work to do, but one day at a time, one hour at a time.

Unfortunately, my mom passed away about 3 months ago from a rare skin cancer that was sudden and very aggressive. It's been pretty devastating. Having her live with us for about 1.5 years was such a beautiful thing but it didn't make her passing any easier. I miss her painfully. I love her more today than ever. So grateful to be sealed to her and to understand that I get to live with her again if I am worthy. Her presence is in my life as I seek the good in life. When I am focused on love and service and kindness, she is there.

I will try to blog more regularly... a little bit of a public journal.